- 2013 EUC Update for PA unemployment Benefits
- What to do when you are unable to get through to the PA unemployemnt Office
- How to Find a PA careerlink Unemployment Service Locations
- How to Check your PA Unemployment Claim Status
- How to Stop Unemployment Benefits in Pennsylvania
- Reading, PA Unemployment Office
- Scranton, PA Unemployment Office
- What PA Workforce Can Do For You
- Pennsylvania Unemployment Benefits: What Is PREP And Why Must I Attend

Learn how to find your local CareerLink unemployment office.
Many of our readers have asked us how they can find their local CareerLink Office. The Pennsylvania CarrerLink program has a website you can use to find the closest office to you. Unfortunately the they have not done the best of jobs (pun intended) at spreading the word.
There are many reasons you should visit your local CareerLink office. At the CareerLink Unemployment Office you can claim for unemployment benefits, look for a job, write out a resume, search for a job online and apply for extra training. All for free.
Filing for UC Benefits.
Even if all you want to do is file your UC benefits, the CareerLink is a great place to file your claim the fastest and easiest way –online. The CareerLink website is operative 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you never have to miss a benefits check. All Career Link offices have internet connection so you can access the Career Link website.
Career Link Search Engine.
The CareerLink website uses a search engine to find the closest office to you. The search engine will ask you a series of questions to help you find the most convenient Career Link office. This is how it works:
Click here to visit the search engine, but first read on, and learn how the search engine works.
1) The first windows will ask you what type of office you are looking for: PA Career Link office, PA CareerLink affiliate, Blindness and Visual Services, Vocational and Rehabilitation Services, Hiram G. Andrews Center or the County Assistance Office. Click on the office you are interested in. Most likely you want the first option: PA Career Link Office.
2) The second window asks for the location you are searching an office for. Write in the name of your town or city.
3) Another alternative is to write your address in window three and the website engine will help you find the closest office to you. On your right there is a County selector that goes from Adams to York. Choose your county from the list.
4) A final option is to search for a CareerLink office by county. Just select the county you are interested in and find the contact details of the Career Link offices available in that county.
Another great reason to visit your local PA Career Link office is to enlist in Pennsylvania’s PREP program. This program is designed to help unemployed workers who are most likely to use up their unemployment benefits. The program targets those that need help the most and provides services to help them find a job. To join this program and enjoy the resources it provides you must visit your local Career Link Program.
Pennsylvania Unemployment Contact Details: Join the Job Corps and Escape from the Benefit Cycle
It is not easy to keep up your motivation when searching for a job. Learning new skills you can include in your resume can make all the difference.
Want to find a job and escape from the benefits cycle? Join the Job Corps and train yourself out of unemployment. What is a Job Corp you may ask. The Job Corps is a nationwide program which is designed to train young men and women to join the workforce.
The Job Corps program provides participants with the training, the social skills, the encouragement and the experience they need to make a success out of their search for employment. Many people that can work never, or rarely, get a job because there is little financial motivation to do so. Let’s face it, if you can get the same amount of money –or only a little less– without having to work, it might be difficult, depending on your personality, to muster up the determination to get out of unemployment. However, if you are trained to perform a specialized service, or learn a new trade, this can be just what you need to help you get started or find a better paying job. If you are unemployed and live in Pennsylvania, visit the Job Corps office nearer to you and see what they have to offer.
Job Corps combines classroom and practical lessons to help unemployed workers learn skills that are transferable to the real world. If you are willing to provide the enthusiasm and energy, this program can provide the assets you need to succeed.
Some of our readers have asked for information on PA Job Centers they can attend to find help. The rest of this article will provide contact details and relevant data on Job Corps throughout the state.
The government has invested over $946,000 in Keystone’s Job Corps center through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as ARRA.
Address: 235 W. Foothills Drive. Drums, PA 18222-2410
Tel: (570) 788-1164
Website: http://keystone.jobcorps.gov