- 2013 EUC Update for PA unemployment Benefits
- What to do when you are unable to get through to the PA unemployemnt Office
- How to Find a PA careerlink Unemployment Service Locations
- How to Check your PA Unemployment Claim Status
- How to Stop Unemployment Benefits in Pennsylvania
- Reading, PA Unemployment Office
- Scranton, PA Unemployment Office
- What PA Workforce Can Do For You
- Pennsylvania Unemployment Benefits: What Is PREP And Why Must I Attend
The Self-Employment Assistance Program in Pennsylvania provides unemployed workers with a high risk of exhausting their unemployment benefits before they find employment with the chance of starting their own business. The program started as a trial in the states of Washington and Massachusetts but has now spread to the states of Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Oregon. Although all of these states have slight differences in their programs they follow the same standard model and can be analyzed as if it were one.
This article will look into the details of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s Self-Employment Assistance Program and how it affects Pennsylvania workers who wish to use unemployment benefits to support their financial needs why they build up their own business.
How to apply?
The Pennsylvania Self-Employment Assistance Program is rather unique in that, strictly speaking, you cannot apply for it; you must be invited. The invitation depends on a profiling system which filters workers who are likely to return to the workforce or have the assets, experience or know-how start a business without assistance. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry has not published how the profiling system works exactly but it is based on the Massachusetts experimental model that got the Self-Employment Assistance Program started in the late 1990s. This profiling system is designed to make the program as cost-effective as possible by helping those who are most likely to become a financial burden to the state and exhaust their weekly benefits.
The benefits offered to participants in the Self-Employment Assistance Program in Pennsylvania are the same benefits offered to any unemployed worker. Whatever you are entitled to under the general unemployment insurance program, you will receive in the Self-Employment Assistance Program. Your benefits amount is dependent on your total income before you lost your employment. If you do not qualify for unemployment insurance benefits, you will not qualify for the Self-Employment Assistance Program.
The Self-Employment Assistance Program in Pennsylvania offers participants courses on business management, technical assistance in the industry they choose and information on the requirements to start a business. While you are enrolled in these courses you will not be required to search for work and you can use time not spent in training to launch your business.
For those that do not qualify for the Self-Employment Assistance Program there are similar programs that provide training and assistance. However, under those programs you will be expected to search for work and accept any suitable employment offers.
Not sure what to do when you worked in a different state to Pennsylvania? This may help.
Generally, unemployed workers who receive unemployment benefits in Pennsylvania both live and work in the State of Pennsylvania. However, in some cases military, federal and other workers live and work in different states. So, where do you apply if you lived or worked in a state different to Pennsylvania. Usually workers should apply for UI benefits from the state where they worked. After all, it was the registered employer from that state that paid unemployment tax to the UI Agency of that State. However, in some occasions states can take over the cost of unemployment insurance through an interstate unemployment claim. If you are resident in Pennsylvania, we recommend you either visit a Career Link Office, visit Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation Agency website or phone 1-888-334-4046.
Nevertheless, it is likely you will need to contact the Interstate Unit of the state you either live or worked in. The directory below provides a list of the contact details for the interstate unemployment insurance units in the United States. Note there is also a Canada Interstate Unit for workers who live or worked in Canada.
Multi-State Unit (#01)
Industrial Relations Bldg.
Montgomery, AL 31604
Interstate Unit (#02)
P.O. Box 3-7000
Juneau, AK 99801
Interstate Liable Office (#03)
Department of Economic Security
P.O. Box 6666
Phoenix, AZ
Interstate Unit (#05)
P.O. Box 3137
Little Rock, AR 72203
Interstate Claims Office (#06)
P.O. Box 752
Sacramento, CA 95804
Interstate Unit (#08)
1210 Sherman Street
Denver, CO
Interstate Section (#09)
Employment Security Division
Hartford, CT 06115
Interstate Unit (#10)
801 West Street
Wilmington, DE 19899
District of Columbia
Interstate Section (#11)
Employment Security Bldg.
6th and Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC
Bureau of Unemployment Compensation (#12)
Benefit Section-Caldwell Bldg.
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Interstate Payment Unit (#13)
P.O. Box 38184
Atlanta, GA 30334
Unemployment Insurance Division (#15)
Liable Interstate Unit
P.O. Box 4278
Honolulu, HI 96813
Benefits Bureau
Interstate Claims Unit (#16)
P.O. Box 35, 317 Main Street
Boise, ID 83735
Interstate Benefit Office (#17)
Div. Of Unemployment Compensation
P.O. Box 7397
Chicago, IL 60680
Interstate Unit (#18)
Employment Security Division
P.O. Box 7022
Indianapolis, IN 46207
Interstate Unit (#19)
Employment Security Commission
1000 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Interstate Section (#20)
Employment Security Division
(State Labor Department)
401 Topeka Boulevard
Topeka, KS 66603
Interstate Unit (#21)
Division of Unemployment Insurance
Department of Economic Security
P.O. Box 452
Frankfort, KY 40602
Interstate Subunit (#22)
Department of Employment Security
P.O. Box 44094, Capitol Station
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Interstate Office (#23)
P.O. Box “P”
Augusta, ME 04330
Interstate Claims Division (#24)
1100 North Eutaw Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Dept. of Employment Security (#25)
Interstate Unit
P.O. Box 8400
Boston, MA 02114
Interstate Benefit Unit (#26)
7310 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
Interstate Unit (#27)
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Interstate Unit (#28)
P.O. Box 1699
Jackson, MS 39205
Interstate Service (#29)
P.O. Box 59
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Interstate Unit (#30)
P.O. Box 1728 ESD Building
Helena, MT 59601
Interstate Unit (#31)
P.O. Box 4600
State House Station
Lincoln, NE
Interstate Unit (#32)
500 East 3rd Street
Carson City, NV 89701
New Hampshire
Liable State Unit (#33)
32 South Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
New Jersey
Assistant Director
Benefit Payment Services (#34)
Room 603, Labor Bldg.,
John Fitch Plaza
Trenton, NJ 08625
New Mexico
Interstate Unit (#35)
P.O. Box 1928
Albuquerque, NM 87103
New York
Out-of-State Resident Office (#36)
P.O. Box 1559
Albany, NY 12249
North Carolina
Interstate Claims Unit (#37)
P.O. Box 27967
Raleigh, NC 27611
North Dakota
Interstate Unit (#38)
P.O. Box 1537
Bismark, ND 58505
Interstate Claims Unit (#39)
P.O. Box 1618
Columbus, OH 43216
Interstate Unit (#40)
Employment Security Commission
Will Rogers Memorial Office Bldg.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Interstate Unit-Emp. Div. (#41)
875 Union Street, NE
Salem, OR 97311
Interstate Claims Office (#42)
Bureau of Employment Security
P.O. Box 3561
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Rhode Island
Interstate Unit (#44)
P.O. Box 1058
Providence, RI 02903
South Carolina
Interstate Claims Section (#45)
P.O. Box 1477
Columbia, SC 29202
South Dakota
Interstate Unit (#46)
607 North Fourth Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Interstate Unit (#47)
Hull State Office Bldg.
Nashville, TN 37219
Interstate Unit (#48)
TEC Building
Austin, TX 78778
Interstate Unit (#49)
P.O. Box 11600
Salt Lake City, UT 84147
Interstate Unit (#50)
P.O. Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05602
Interstate Unit (#51)
P.O. Box 1360
Richmond, VA 23211
Interstate Unit (#53)
P.O. Box 2561
Olympia, WA 98504
West Virginia
Multistate Unit (#54)
California and Washington Streets
Charleston, WV 25305
Interstate Unit (#56)
P.O. Box 2479
Casper, WY 82602
Puerto Rico
Interstate Claims Unit (#72)
Bureau of Employment Security
505 Munoz Rivera Avenue
Hato Rey, PR 00918
Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands Employment Security Agency (#78)
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VA 00802
Interstate Claims Unit (#99)
Box 4500
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Find out what extra requirements Federal and Military unemployed workers must meet.
The process for applying for unemployment insurance is pretty straightforward for workers who live and work in Pennsylvania. But what about workers who worked outside the state, lived outside the state but worked in Pennsylvania or who were employed by the Federal government or the military? The application process and eligibility requirements do change slightly in these circumstances so if fall within those parameters, you will be interested in this series of articles. This article will look at the application and approval process for Federal and Military employees in Pennsylvania, while our next article will focus on the procedure for interstate workers who live in a different state from where they worked.
The first step if you are an unemployed federal or military worker is to find out if you qualify for unemployment insurance in Pennsylvania. There are three main requirements you must meet. First, your last post or duty station was in Pennsylvania, second you are a Pennsylvania resident but your last post was outside of the United States, or third, your last employment after separating from your federal employer was in Pennsylvania.
What do you need to apply for UI?
Because the paperwork provided at termination by the federal government and military differs from that of regular employers in Pennsylvania, there are certain requirements you must satisfy that other employees do not. For instance, federal workers must wait longer to receive wage information than regular state workers, so you will need to mail your documentation to the UC Service Center of Pennsylvania. The documents you are required to provide include: your federal Standard Form 8, Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Compensation, Standard Form 50, Notification of Personnel Action and other documents that support your claim that you worked for a federal employer, such as your W-2 stubs, Withholding Tax Statement and pay stubs. Make sure you do not provide the original documents by post as these may get lost and you will have no further evidence of your employment. Copies will work just fine.
Act Quickly
Federal unemployed workers must, just as regular unemployed workers, file their claim as soon as possible. This means sending all supportive information to the UC Service Center as soon as possible. Notice you can only claim for unemployment weeks from the date you file your application. Previous weeks where you were unemployed and did not apply for benefits cannot be claimed for retroactively and they can affect your eligibility due to the way the Pennsylvania UI Agency calculates your base period: the income earning period that decides your unemployment insurance compensation.